R.S.C. Anderlecht
Winning Goal
Rallying fans behind Belgium’s premier football club
What we didBrand Identity, Brand Strategy, Copywriting
ThematicBrand Transformation
Thierry Brunfaut, Sander Vermeulen, Adam Sajkowski, Lorenz Bungeneers, Lukas Liefsoens, Thomas Byttebier, Antoine Barras, Lola Philippart, Koen Malfait, Ilona Lodewijckx
R.S.C. Anderlecht
ThematicBrand Transformation
What we didBrand Identity, Brand Strategy, Copywriting
Thierry Brunfaut, Sander Vermeulen, Adam Sajkowski, Lorenz Bungeneers, Lukas Liefsoens, Thomas Byttebier, Antoine Barras, Lola Philippart, Koen Malfait, Ilona Lodewijckx
Winning Goal
Rallying fans behind Belgium’s premier football club
Next Project
Terminal 4 at JFK
Next Project
Terminal 4 at JFK
Terminal 4 at JFK
High Flying
Forever changing the tropes of the aviation industry
What we didBrand Identity, Signage, Naming
ThematicBrand Transformation